Don’t Look Now, But The Latest Tech Wearable Is A Smart Condom

CNET is reporting today that the latest crowd-funded wearable is a tech wearable that bills itself as “The World’s First Smart Condom”.

The i.Con by British Condoms is basically a fitness tracker for your ‘member’ that comes in the form of a ring that the wearer places over their condom.

With no hard and fast release date for when the product will be available, British Condoms says it is available for pre-order on their website for 59.99 (approx US$74).

In welcoming you to the future of wearable technology in the bedrooom, British Condoms now lets you find the answers to those questions that have been bothering you ‘in the moment’, such as:

“How many calories are you burning during intercourse?”

“What is my thrust speed?”

“How long did this lovemaking session last and how many different positions did you use in the course of a week, month or year?”

“Ever wondered how you stack up to other people from around the world?”

Welcome to i.Con, my friends, and there is even an app on the iTunes App Store to mate with your wearable.

If you’d like to receive more information on when the first smart condom will be available, or to pre-order, be sure to visit British Condoms.

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